Our maceration and fermentation processes for the production of mother tinctures provide that the plants or portions of them are immersed in an alcoholic solvent, in a ratio of plant substance to solvent of 1:5. The plant material, together with the solvent and wine, is enclosed in darkened glass containers and stored in a greenhouse at a constant temperature of 37°C for 28 days. After this time, the tincture is decanted and the residue removed, dehydrated and reduced to ash to recover the inorganic elements. The ash of the calcined substance is then dissolved in the alcoholic solution obtained by maceration. The final spagyric preparation is left to rest for 12 days before its use. 1 In recent years, however, the use of extractors and solvents has become increasingly widespread, capable of rapidly extracting plant substances, even in 24 hours, thus subjecting the plants to extractive stress.
Erbenobili, on the other hand, has introduced essential innovationsin the extraction process , to make it as natural as possible. The Erbenobili greenhouse is equipped with a controlled temperature system capable of maintaining a constant temperature of around 37°C. Here, the demijohns containing the plant and the solvent are placed on the river sand receiving, under controlled humidity and temperature conditions, sunlight and moonlight, adequate heat and humidity, while music, at specific frequencies, accompanies the process. In this way, the extraction phase is carried out gently over the course of 40 days, to guarantee a mother tincture of absolute purity. The extraction solvent used by Erbenobili is red wine associated with ethyl alcohol in wine that, having a high extraction capacity, is able to increase the bioavailability of plant substances. The wine is, in turn, characterized by a very high content of substances, which contribute to enriching the final extract with further beneficial properties.
The extraction techniques of Erbenobili, although modern, respect the most ancient traditions, thus enhancing the active ingredients of the vegetable raw materials used. Erbenobili's commitment to the application of the Spagyric methodology and the introduction of further innovations led to the assignment, on 5 June 2019, of the patent No. 102017000013723 for industrial invention concerning the "Manufacturing process of dietary supplements". With the award of this certificate, the Ministry of Economic Development has officially recognized the cutting-edge techniques for the treatment of raw materials and the innovative methods with which Erbenobili obtains the mother tinctures at the base of its products." "