Quality & Innovation , nature and man respect.
These are the principles that have always characterized our company, where our skills have been handed down from father to son and developed to offer products that use strictly selected raw materials in respect of nature, man and the oldest herbal tradition.
Thanks to modern extraction techniques and the rigor with which the times, humidity and temperature of all the different production phases are controlled, from maceration to decantation, products are obtained and enhance the active ingredients of the vegetable raw materials used, able to interact and assist the functionality of the human body.
In this regard, in 2019 Erbe Nobili received the patent concerning the "manufacturing process of dietary supplements", which officially recognizes the innovative method on the treatment of raw materials, inspired by spagyria, from which the mother tinctures at the base of the products are obtained, for the well-being of our consumers in Italy and abroad.

Attention to man and the environment, the tradition of the past and an open eye to innovation have always characterized our philosophy. Our modern extraction techniques respect the most ancient traditions of Spagyric science, an ancient method of preparing plant extracts in the most natural way possible, which respects the plant and nature, so as to enhance the active ingredients of the vegetable raw materials used. The basic substance extracted from plants that we obtain through the application of consolidated methods, working without haste, with attention to even the smallest details, guarantees first-rate purity. This is why we use only the best raw materials and subject our products to a strict check both at the acceptance and at the delivery, to guarantee high quality and sustainability standards. Our work, the raw materials, the production chain, laboratory tests and quality control are all certified by recognized competent bodies. The HACCP self-control plan makes it possible to identify any dangers, their severity and frequency, and to apply the control procedures of these critical points in order to prevent any risk to the health of the consumer. In our quality control laboratories, they perform tests with certified equipment at every stage of the production process. The degree of competence and awareness achieved thanks to existing collaborations with the University of Naples and scientific publications show how a production company of excellence, such as Erbenobili, can also conquer the ambitious goal of "total quality" in harmony with health of the consumer.